
Run a subflow for each value in parallel and wait for their completion — recommended pattern to iterate over hundreds or thousands of list items

About this blueprint


First, create the following flow that we'll use as a parametrized subflow:

id: mysubflow
namespace: blueprint

  - name: myinput
    type: STRING
    defaults: kestra

  - id: super_task
    type: io.kestra.core.tasks.debugs.Return
    format: hi from {{}} using input {{ inputs.myinput }}

Then, create the flow subflowForEachValue.

This flow will trigger multiple executions of the flow mysubflow. Each execution will be triggered in parallel using input from the list of values. In this example, you should see three executions of the subflow, one with the input user1, another with the input user2 and yet another execution with the input user3.

This pattern is particularly useful if the list of values you iterate over is large. As explained in the Flow best practices documentation, it's better to execute thousands of flows, each running one task, than to trigger one flow with thousands of parallel tasks. We recommend this pattern with subflows as it's easier to scale and it makes your workflows more modular and easier to maintain.

id: subflowForEachValue
namespace: blueprint

  - id: parallel
    type: io.kestra.core.tasks.flows.EachParallel
    value: ["user1", "user2", "user3"]
      - id: subflow
        type: io.kestra.core.tasks.flows.Flow
        flowId: mysubflow
        namespace: blueprint
        wait: true
        transmitFailed: true
            myinput: "{{ taskrun.value }}"

Each Parallel


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