Kestra Terraform Provider: 

Deploy All Your Workflows With our Terraform Provider

Manage and deploy Kestra workflows directly within your existing Terraform environment, eliminating the need for separate configurations.

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Simplified Deployment

You can manage and deploy Kestra workflows directly within your existing Terraform environment, eliminating the need for separate configurations.

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Centralized Management

The Terraform Provider allows you to manage your Kestra resources in code, along with other infrastructure components, all from a single platform.

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Infrastructure as Code

By using Terraform, you benefit from the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) best practices, making it easier to version control, collaborate, and maintain your Kestra configurations.

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API-First Approach

The provider is built on top of Kestra's API, allowing you to programmatically manage all resources, from workflows, namespaces, and secrets, to user management.

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Declarative Configuration

Terraform uses its HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), while Kestra flows are defined in YAML. This alignment in declarative interfaces ensures not only a smooth transition but also makes it easy to use both technologies together.

Modularity in the Infrastructure Management

Kestra's Terraform provider is designed to easily manage all resources using Terraform. This includes, among others, flows, namespace, and user management, as well as secrets. Check the list of available resources in our documentation.

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The inherent modularity in both, Terraform and Kestra, allows you to create reusable blocks of code. These can be shared across multiple teams or projects, contributing to maintainable operations.

Benefits of the Integration

reliable deployments

Reliable Deployments with Infrastructure as Code

Combine Kestra's orchestration capabilities with Terraform's infrastructure-as-code model. Provision resources in minutes for consistent, reproducible, and scalable workflows.
Learn more

Version Control and Rollback

Incorporating version control systems such as Git is a recommended standard. It enables rollbacks and comprehensive auditing. Terraform additionally helps you version control not only your code but also your infrastructure configuration.

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Getting Started

Integration between Kestra and Terraform is simple. Add the Kestra provider to your Terraform configuration file to get started.

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