
Getting started with Kestra — a Business Automation workflow example

About this blueprint

Getting Started Postgres

This flow demonstrates how to use the SQLite plugin to create a table, insert data, and query the data. The flow then converts the query result to a CSV and Excel files allowing those to be shared with business stakeholders for further analysis and reporting.

id: business_automation
namespace: tutorial
description: Business Automation

  - id: working_directory
    type: io.kestra.plugin.core.flow.WorkingDirectory
      - id: create_table
        type: io.kestra.plugin.jdbc.sqlite.Query
        url: jdbc:sqlite:kestra.db
        sql: |
          CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS features (
              id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
              name TEXT NOT NULL,
              description TEXT NOT NULL,
              release_version TEXT NOT NULL,
              edition TEXT NOT NULL

      - id: empty_table
        type: io.kestra.plugin.jdbc.sqlite.Query
        url: jdbc:sqlite:kestra.db
        sql: DELETE FROM features;

      - id: insert_data
        type: io.kestra.plugin.jdbc.sqlite.Query
        url: jdbc:sqlite:kestra.db
        sql: |
          INSERT INTO features (name, description, release_version, edition)
              ('Worker Groups', 'Allows targeting specific tasks or triggers to run on specific remote workers for better scalability and resource management.', '0.10', 'Enterprise'),
              ('Realtime Triggers', 'Supports triggering event-driven workflows in real-time.', '0.17', 'Open-Source'),
              ('Task Runners', 'Provides on-demand remote execution environments for running tasks.', '0.16', 'Open-Source'),
              ('KV Store', 'Adds key-value storage for persisting data across workflow executions.', '0.18', 'Open-Source'),
              ('SCIM Directory Sync', 'Allows synchronization of users and groups from Identity Providers.', '0.18', 'Enterprise');  

      - id: query
        type: io.kestra.plugin.jdbc.sqlite.Query
        url: jdbc:sqlite:kestra.db
        store: true
        sql: |
          SELECT * FROM features
          ORDER BY release_version;

      - id: to_csv
        type: io.kestra.plugin.serdes.csv.IonToCsv
        from: "{{ outputs.query.uri }}"

      - id: to_excel
        type: io.kestra.plugin.serdes.excel.IonToExcel
        from: "{{ outputs.query.uri }}"

Working Directory


Ion To Csv

Ion To Excel

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