Home / BlogDuckDB vs. MotherDuck — should you switch to the cloud version? Table of Contents SolutionsJuly 28 2023Anna GellerTable of ContentsDuckDBMotherDuckOther organizations supporting DuckDBWhat can you do with MotherDuck that you can’t do with a locally running DuckDBWhen to switch from DuckDB to MotherDuckGetting started with DuckDBGetting started with MotherDuck1) Authenticate your terminal to MotherDuck2) Ingest local database to the cloud3) Create a share URLUsing MotherDuck and DuckDB in ETL pipelinesNext stepsContribute Edit this page Join us on Slack YouTube GitHub Twitter BlueSky LinkedIn Why and when to use MotherDuck over local DuckDB Table of Contents SolutionsJuly 28 2023Anna GellerTable of ContentsDuckDBMotherDuckOther organizations supporting DuckDBWhat can you do with MotherDuck that you can’t do with a locally running DuckDBWhen to switch from DuckDB to MotherDuckGetting started with DuckDBGetting started with MotherDuck1) Authenticate your terminal to MotherDuck2) Ingest local database to the cloud3) Create a share URLUsing MotherDuck and DuckDB in ETL pipelinesNext stepsContribute Edit this page Join us on Slack YouTube GitHub Twitter BlueSky LinkedIn