
Build a Docker image and push it to Google Cloud Artifact Registry


id: build-gcp-artifact-registry-image

  - id: fetch_auth_token
    type: io.kestra.plugin.gcp.auth.OauthAccessToken
    projectId: your_gcp_project_id
    serviceAccount: "{{ secret('GCP_CREDS') }}"

  - id: build
    type: io.kestra.plugin.docker.Build
    dockerfile: |
      FROM python:3.10
      RUN pip install --upgrade pip
      RUN pip install --no-cache-dir kestra requests "polars[all]"
    push: true
      username: oauth2accesstoken
      password: "{{ outputs.fetch_auth_token.accessToken.tokenValue }}"

About this blueprint

Docker GCP

This flow will build a Docker image and push it to a remote container registry.

  1. The dockerfile parameter is a multiline string that contains the Dockerfile content. However, it can also be a path to a file.
  2. The tags parameter is a list of tags of the image to build. Make sure to replace the europe-west3 prefix with your GCP region, and adjust the rest of the URL to match your Artifact Registry repository.
  3. The push parameter is a boolean that indicates whether to push the image to GitHub Container Registry.
  4. Make sure to securely store your GCP credentials as secrets or environment variables.
  5. Finally, note how we used the OauthAccessToken task to fetch an access token for the docker command. This is necessary because Docker doesn't directly support GCP service accounts.

Oauth Access Token


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