
Extract data from Apache Pinot into a CSV format and load it into BigQuery


id: pinot-to-bigquery

  - id: query_pinot
    type: io.kestra.plugin.jdbc.pinot.Query
    url: jdbc:pinot://
    sql: |
      SELECT lat, lon, name, address, cast(location_st_point as string)
      FROM starbucksStores
    fetchType: STORE

  - id: write_to_csv
    type: io.kestra.plugin.serdes.csv.IonToCsv
    from: "{{ outputs.query_pinot.uri }}"

  - id: load_bigquery
    type: io.kestra.plugin.gcp.bigquery.Load
    from: "{{ outputs.write_to_csv.uri }}"
    serviceAccount: "{{ secret('GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON') }}"
    projectId: my_project
    destinationTable: my_project.my_dataset.my_table
    format: CSV
      fieldDelimiter: ","
      skipLeadingRows: 1
        - name: lat
          type: FLOAT64
        - name: lon
          type: FLOAT64
        - name: name
          type: STRING
        - name: address
          type: STRING
        - name: location_st_point
          type: STRING

About this blueprint

Ingest BigQuery SQL

This flow extracts data from an Apache Pinot table, writes it to a CSV file, and then loads the CSV data into BigQuery. Note that we convert the bytes column location_st_point into a STRING format while extracting the data from Pinot. The GCP credentials are configured using an environment variable GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON. The BigQuery table will get created at runtime using the schema provided in the flow code. You can setup Apache Pinot locally with Docker using: bash docker pull apachepinot/pinot:latest docker run -p 9000:9000 apachepinot/pinot:latest QuickStart -type batch The Quickstart mode will automatically load the example datasets. One of the example datasets starbucksStores is used in this flow.


Ion To Csv


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