Available on: Enterprise Edition

Release cadence and support policy for Kestra Enterprise Edition (EE).

Release Cadence

We release a new Kestra version every two months. The release date is easy to remember: it's always the first Tuesday of every second month.

For a detailed schedule of planned and recently shipped releases, see the table below:

Kestra VersionRelease Date
0.18.0August 6, 2024
0.19.0October 1, 2024
0.20.0December 3, 2024
0.21.0February 4, 2025
0.22.0April 1, 2025
0.23.0June 3, 2025
0.24.0August 5, 2025
0.25.0October 7, 2025
0.26.0December 2, 2025
0.27.0February 3, 2026

Bugfix Releases

Every Thursday, we release a new bugfix version for the latest release. This means that if you are using the latest version of Kestra, you can expect a new bugfix release every week. You can track which GitHub issues are planned for the next bugfix release in our public GitHub project board.

Backport Releases

Regardless of the Kestra version you are using, we provide backport releases to Enterprise customers upon request. If you submit a ticket to our support team, we will provide a backport release with the necessary bug fixes for your specific version.

The backport releases are provided on a best-effort basis to our Enterprise customers. We still recommend upgrading to the latest version to continuously benefit from the latest improvements and security updates.

Upgrade Support

If you have questions or need help upgrading to the latest version of Kestra EE, please contact our support team.

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