Configure Settings for Kestra.

On the Settings page, you will be able to configure the Kestra UI. These configuration options are on a per-user basis.

Kestra User Interface Settings Page

Main Configuration

Options you can configure under Main Configuration include:

  • Language
  • Default Namespace
  • Default Log Level
  • Default Log Display
  • Execute Flow in same or new tab

Theme Preferences

Kestra allows you to have a Light or Dark mode.

You can also specify the Editor to be a separate Light or Dark mode too. In addition, you can adjust the font size and family for the Editor too.

There's also the option to change the environment name and color to help you identify if you have multiple Kestra instances, e.g. dev and prod.

Date and Time Settings

You can change the date and time of your Kestra instance.


You can also export all of your flows as a .zip file too. This is useful for being able to back up your flows or migrate them to another instance of Kestra.

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