Namespace Management
Available on: Enterprise Edition
How to govern secrets, variables, and plugin defaults on a namespace level.
Kestra is a multi-tenant platform. Each tenant can have multiple namespaces, and each namespace provides additional isolation and security.
Namespaces provide:
- a logical isolation of resources on top of the instance- or tenant-level isolation
- fine-grained access-control to secrets, variables, and task configuration.
Namespaces are particularly useful in environments with many users, teams, projects, and applications.
Namespace Management Benefits
Even though namespace
is a required property of each flow, namespaces are not created by default. To illustrate this, let's look at the following flow:
id: hello_world
- id: log_task
type: io.kestra.plugin.core.log.Log
message: hi from {{ flow.namespace }}
This flow is assigned to the
namespace. However, if you navigate to the Namespaces page in the UI, you'll notice that the namespace itself doesn't exist yet. The
namespace is greyed out because it's just a placeholder:
You can only filter for existing namespaces. Once you are ready to turn a placeholder namespace into a fully-fledged namespace, you create it in one click:
Namespace-level features
The Namespace page allows you to configure secrets, plugin defaults, and variables that can be used within any flow in that namespace.
It allows your organization to centrally manage your secrets, variables, and task configuration while providing fine-grained access-control to those resources.
Since Kestra supports everything as code and from the UI, you can manage namespaces from the UI or programmatically (e.g., via our Terraform provider).
On the Namespaces page, select the namespace where you want to define the secrets and go to the Secrets tab. Here, you will see all existing secrets associated with this namespace. Click on Add a secret button on the top right corner of the page.
You can now define the secret by providing the Key and the Secret value. Save the secret by clicking on the Save button at the bottom.
The secret key should now start appearing on the Secrets tab. You can edit the secret's value or delete the secret by clicking on the appropriate button towards the right of the secret row. You can reference the secret in the flow by using the key, for example, "{{ secret('MYSQL_PASSWORD') }}"
Here is how you can use it in a flow:
id: query-mysql
id: query
type: "io.kestra.plugin.jdbc.mysql.Query"
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test
username: root
password: "{{ secret('MYSQL_PASSWORD') }}"
sql: select * from employees
fetchOne: true
Make sure to only use the secret in flows defined in the same namespace (or child namespace) as your secret.
Plugin Defaults
Plugin Defaults can also be defined at the namespace level. These plugin defaults are then applied for all tasks of the corresponding type defined in the flows under the same namespace.
On the Namespaces page, select the namespace where you want to define the plugin defaults and navigate to the Plugin defaults tab. You can add the plugin defaults here and save the changes by clicking on the Save button at the bottom of the page.
You can reference secrets and variables defined with the same namespace in the plugin defaults.
In the example below, you no longer need to add the password
property for the MySQL query task as it's defined in your namespace-level pluginDefaults
id: query-mysql
id: query
type: "io.kestra.plugin.jdbc.mysql.Query"
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test
username: root
sql: select * from employees
fetchOne: true
Variables defined at the namespace level can be used in any flow defined under the same namespace using the syntax: {{ namespace.variable_name }}
On the Namespaces page, select the namespace where you want to define the variables. Go to the Variables tab. You can now define the variables on this page. Save the changes by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page.
Here is an example flow where the namespace variable is used:
id: query-mysql
id: query
type: "io.kestra.plugin.jdbc.mysql.Query"
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test
username: "{{ namespace.mysql_user }}"
sql: select * from employees
fetchOne: true
Creating Namespaces
From the UI
The video below shows how you can create a namespace from the Kestra UI. After creating a namespace, we're adding:
- several new secrets
- a nested namespace variable that references one of these secrets
- a list of plugin defaults helping to use those pre-configured secrets and variables in all the tasks from the AWS and Git plugins.
From Terraform
Let's reproduce everything from the above video using Kestra's Terraform provider so that you know how to perform the same steps both from the UI and programmatically.
To create a namespace from Terraform, use the kestra_namespace resource.
First, configure your Terraform backend and add Kestra as a required provider:
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "kestraio"
key = "terraform.tfstate"
region = "us-east-1"
required_providers {
kestra = {
source = "kestra-io/kestra"
version = "~>0.14"
provider "kestra" {
url = var.kestra_host
username = var.kestra_user
password = var.kestra_password
tenant_id = var.kestra_tenant_id # only if you are using multi-tenancy
You can add a file
to your Terraform project with the following content:
resource "kestra_namespace" "marketing" {
namespace_id = "marketing"
description = "Namespace for the marketing team"
The only required property is the namespace_id
, which is the name of the namespace. The description
and all other properties are optional.
Adding Variables and Plugin Defaults to a Namespace Terraform resource
You can add variables and plugin defaults directly to the namespace resource by pointing to the YAML configuration files.
First, create the variables_marketing.yml
token: "{{ secret('GITHUB_TOKEN') }}"
Then, create another file for task_defaults_marketing.yml
- type:
accessKeyId: "{{ secret('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') }}"
region: us-east-1
secretKeyId: "{{ secret('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') }}"
- type: io.kestra.plugin.git
password: "{{ render(namespace.github.token) }}"
username: your-github-username
Finally, reference those files in your namespace resource definition:
resource "kestra_namespace" "marketing" {
namespace_id = "marketing"
description = "Namespace for the marketing team"
variables = file("variables_marketing.yml")
task_defaults = file("task_defaults_marketing.yml")
Adding Secrets to a Namespace using Terraform
To programmatically add secrets to your namespace via Terraform, you can use the kestra_namespace_secret resource. Here is an example of adding multiple secrets to the marketing
resource "kestra_namespace_secret" "github_token" {
namespace = "marketing"
secret_key = "GITHUB_TOKEN"
secret_value = var.github_token
resource "kestra_namespace_secret" "aws_access_key_id" {
namespace = "marketing"
secret_key = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
secret_value = var.aws_access_key_id
resource "kestra_namespace_secret" "aws_secret_access_key" {
namespace = "marketing"
secret_key = "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
secret_value = var.aws_secret_access_key
Before referencing variables in your Terraform configuration, make sure to define them in your
variable "github_token" {
type = string
sensitive = true
variable "aws_access_key_id" {
type = string
sensitive = true
variable "aws_secret_access_key" {
type = string
sensitive = true
variable "kestra_user" {
type = string
sensitive = true
variable "kestra_password" {
type = string
sensitive = true
variable "kestra_host" {
type = string
sensitive = false
default = ""
variable "kestra_tenant_id" {
type = string
sensitive = false
default = "kestra-tech"
And add your secrets to the terraform.tfvars
github_token = "your-github-token"
aws_access_key_id = "your-aws-access-key-id"
aws_secret_access_key = "your-aws-secret-access-key"
kestra_user = "your-kestra-user"
kestra_password = "your-kestra-password"
Allowed Namespaces
As of Kestra 0.17, you can manage cross-namespace permissions in the Enterprise Edition.
When you navigate to any Namespace and go to the Edit tab, you can explicitly configure which namespaces are allowed to access flows and other resources related to that namespace. By default, all namespaces are allowed:
However, you can restrict that access if you want only specific namespaces (or no namespace at all) to trigger its corresponding resources.
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