JSON Filters​J​S​O​N ​Filters

JSON filters are used to manipulate JSON objects, often API responses.


The toJson filter will convert any object to a JSON string.

The following expression {{ [1, 2, 3] | toJson }} will result in the JSON string '[1, 2, 3]'.


  • {{ true | toJson }} will result in 'true'
  • {{ "foo" | toJson }} will result in '"foo"'


The jq filter apply a JQ expression to a variables. The filter always return an array of result and will be formatted as json. You can use the filter first in order to return the first (and potentially the only) result of the jq filter.

{{ [1, 2, 3] | jq('.')  }}
{# results in: '[1, 2, 3]' #}

{{ [1, 2, 3] | jq('.[0]') | first }}
{# results in: '1' #}

Another example, if the current context is:

  "outputs": {
    "task1": {
      "value": 1,
      "text": "awesome1"
    "task2": {
      "value": 2,
      "text": "awesome2"
{{ outputs | jq('.task1.value') | first }}

the output will be 1.


  • expression: the jq expression to apply

Manipulating JSON payload

Here is a detailed example having multiple JSON manipulations. In this example, we take a JSON payload as input, and perform multiple manipulations on it to derive different outputs.

id: myflow
namespace: company.myteam

  - id: payload
    type: JSON
    defaults: |-
        "name": "John Doe",
        "score": {
          "English": 72,
          "Maths": 88,
          "French": 95,
          "Spanish": 85,
          "Science": 91
        "address": {
          "city": "Paris",
          "country": "France"
        "graduation_years": [2020, 2021, 2022, 2023]

  - id: print_status
    type: io.kestra.plugin.core.log.Log
      - "Student name: {{ inputs.payload.name }}" # Extracting a value from a JSON payload
      - "Score in languages: {{ inputs.payload.score.English + inputs.payload.score.French + inputs.payload.score.Spanish }}" # Extracting the numbers from JSON payload, and suming them up
      - "Total subjects: {{ inputs.payload.score | length }}" # Counting the length of map
      - "Total score: {{ inputs.payload.score | values | jq('reduce .[] as $num (0; .+$num)') | first }}" # logic to get all the values in the `score` map and add them to get the total score
      - "Complete address: {{ inputs.payload.address.city }}, {{ inputs.payload.address.country | upper }}" # String concatenation, and conversion
      - "Total years for graduation: {{ inputs.payload.graduation_years | length }}" # Counting the length of array
      - "Started college in: {{ inputs.payload.graduation_years | first }}" # Getting the first value from an array
      - "Completed college in: {{ inputs.payload.graduation_years | last }}" # Getting the last value from an array

This flow will log the following statements:

Student name: John Doe
Score in languages: 252
Total subjects: 5
Total score: 431
Complete address: Paris, FRANCE
Total years for graduation: 4
Started college in: 2020

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