Kestra Server CLI​Kestra ​Server ​C​L​I

This page describes the different server commands available in Kestra.

Kestra leverages five different server components. The kestra server command allows to start them individually, or run an all-inclusive standalone server.

Separate server components


./kestra server executor


  • --skip-executions: the list of execution identifiers to skip. Use it only for troubleshooting e.g. when an execution cannot be processed by Kestra.


./kestra server indexer


./kestra server scheduler


./kestra server worker


  • -t or --thread: the number of threads that can handle tasks at the same time. By default, the worker will start 2 threads per CPU core available.
  • -g or --worker-group: the key of the worker group if using Worker Group (EE).


./kestra server webserver

Kestra standalone, all server components in one process

./kestra server standalone

This server is a special server, since it will contain all the server components in one JVM. This works well for development or small-sized environments.


  • -f or --flow-path: the path to a directory with YAML flow files. These files will be loaded to the repository at startup.
  • --worker-thread: the number of worker threads. By default, the embedded worker will start 3 threads or a single thread per CPU core when more than 3 CPU cores are available.
  • --skip-executions: the list of execution identifiers to skip. Use it only for troubleshooting e.g. when an execution cannot be processed by Kestra.

Kestra local, development server with no dependencies

./kestra server local

This server is a local development server. It will contain all server components in one JVM, and use a local database (H2), and a local storage - perfect to start a development server. Data will be saved in the data directory within the current working directory.


  • -f or --flow-path: the path to a directory with YAML flow files. These files will be loaded to the repository at startup.
  • --worker-thread: the number of worker threads. By default, the embedded worker will start 3 threads or a single thread per CPU core when more than 3 CPU cores are available.

Options for all server commands

Log Level

Log level can be changed with two options:

  • -l or --log-level: possible values: [TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR], default: INFO
  • -v or --verbose: for DEBUG, -vv for TRACE

These options affect global log levels for all flows only.

Internal Log

--internal-log: Kestra hides internal logs by default. Use this option to enable these logs.

Configuration Files

-c or --config: You can change the location of Kestra configuration files, the default is ~/.kestra/config.yml.

Plugins directory

-p or --plugins: Path to the plugins directory. The default is the plugins directory located in the same directory as the Kestra executable.

Server port

--port: The server port, the default is 8080.