How To Pass Inputs via an API call in Kestra​How ​To ​Pass ​Inputs via an ​A​P​I call in ​Kestra

Passing Inputs via an API Call

What are Inputs

Inputs allow you to dynamically pass data to your execution at runtime. For a detailed overview of inputs, see the Inputs documentation page.


If you want to trigger a flow and change the value for an input, you can do so by triggering your flow by the API and passing your new input in the form data.

Let's assume the following flow:

id: inputs_demo
namespace: dev

  - id: user
    type: STRING
    defaults: Rick Astley

  - id: hello
    type: io.kestra.core.tasks.log.Log
    message: Hey there, {{ inputs.user }}

This flow has the input user which we can modify via an API call. We can do that by triggering this flow and passing our new input using the form data.

id: input_api
namespace: dev
  - id: basic_auth_api
    type: io.kestra.plugin.fs.http.Request
    uri: http://host.docker.internal:8080/api/v1/executions/dev/inputs_demo
    method: POST
    contentType: multipart/form-data
      user: John Doe

The above example assumes you are running Kestra locally in Docker. If you are running Kestra in a different environment, replace http://host.docker.internal:8080 with the correct URL.

If you configured basic authentication for your Kestra instance, you can add the basicAuthUser and basicAuthPassword options to the Request task:

id: api_call
namespace: dev
  - id: basic_auth_api
    type: io.kestra.plugin.fs.http.Request
    uri: http://host.docker.internal:8080/api/v1/executions/dev/inputs_demo
      basicAuthUser: admin
      basicAuthPassword: admin
    method: POST
    contentType: multipart/form-data
      user: John Doe

When you execute the api_call flow, this will execute the input_api flow with the new user input
