Upload files to a SMB (Samba for eg.) server's directory.
type: "io.kestra.plugin.fs.smb.Uploads"
id: fs_smb_uploads
namespace: company.team
- id: file1
type: FILE
- id: file2
type: FILE
- id: uploads
type: io.kestra.plugin.fs.smb.Uploads
host: localhost
port: "445"
username: foo
password: pass
- "{{ inputs.file1 }}"
- "{{ inputs.file2 }}"
to: "/my_share/dir2"
Dynamic YES
The files to upload, must be internal storage URIs, must be a list of URIs or a pebble template that returns a list of URIs
Dynamic YES
Hostname of the remote server
Dynamic YES
The destination directory
Dynamic YES
Password on the remote server
Dynamic YES
Default 445
Port of the remote server
Dynamic YES
Username on the remote server
SubType string
The fully-qualified URIs that point to the uploaded files on remote