Send a Sentry alert with the execution information

The alert message will include a link to the execution page in the UI along with the execution ID, namespace, flow name, the start date, duration and the final status of the execution, and (if failed) the task that led to a failure.

Use this notification task only in a flow that has a Flow trigger. Don't use this notification task in errors tasks. Instead, for errors tasks, use the SentryAlert task.

The only required input is a DSN string value, which you can find when you go to your Sentry project settings and go to the section Client Keys (DSN). For more detailed description of how to find your DSN, visit the following Sentry documentation.

You can customize the alert payload, which is a JSON object. For more information about the payload, check the Sentry Event Payloads documentation.

The level parameter is the severity of the issue. The task documentation lists all available options including DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL. The default value is ERROR.

type: "io.kestra.plugin.notifications.sentry.SentryExecution"