
All tasks must be authenticated for the Google Cloud Platform. You can do it in multiple ways:

  • By setting the task serviceAccount property that must contain the service account JSON content. It can be handy to set this property globally by using plugin defaults if your cluster access only one GCP project.
  • By setting the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable on the nodes running Kestra. It must point to an application credentials file. **Warning: ** it must be the same on all worker nodes and can cause some security concerns.
  • If none is set, the default service account will be used.

You can also set authentication scopes. By default only one scope is used:

Common property

Each task allows configuring the GCP project identifier in the projectId property. If not set, the default project identifier will be used (the one returned by ServiceOptions.getDefaultProjectId()). It can be handy to set this property globally by using plugin defaults if your cluster access only one GCP project.