Retrieves entries in LDAP.
Search and list entries based on a filter list for each base DN target.
type: "io.kestra.plugin.ldap.Search"
Retrieve LDAP entries. In this example, assuming that their is exactly one entry matching each of our filter, the outputs of the task would be four entries in this order (since we search two times in the same baseDn): (dn, description, mail) of {melusine, metatron, melusine, metatron}.
id: ldap_search
- id: search
type: io.kestra.plugin.ldap.Search
userDn: cn=admin,dc=orga,dc=en
password: admin
baseDn: ou=people,dc=orga,dc=en
filter: (|(sn=melusine*)(sn=metatron*))
- description
- mail
port: 15060
Hostname for connection.
User password for connection.
A whole number describing the port for connection.
User DN
User DN for connection.
Specific attributes to retrieve from the filtered entries. Retrieves all attributes by default. Sepcial attributes may be specified: "+" -> OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES "1.1" -> NO_ATTRIBUTES "0.0" -> ALL_ATTRIBUTES_EXCEPT_OPERATIONAL `--> This special attribute canno't be combined with other attributes and the search will ignore everything else.
Base DN
Base DN target in the LDAP.
Filter for the search in the LDAP.
Search scope of the filter: BASE -- Indicates that only the entry specified by the base DN should be considered. ONE -- Indicates that only entries that are immediate subordinates of the entry specified by the base DN (but not the base entry itself) should be considered. SUB -- Indicates that the base entry itself and any subordinate entries (to any depth) should be considered. SUBORDINATE_SUBTREE -- Indicates that any subordinate entries (to any depth) below the entry specified by the base DN should be considered, but the base entry itself should not be considered, as described in draft-sermersheim-ldap-subordinate-scope.
Result file URI
A file that contains zero or more matching queries as LDIF formatted strings.