Consume Consume

type: "io.kestra.plugin.nats.Consume"

Consume messages from a NATS subject on a JetStream-enabled NATS server.

Please note that the server you run it against must have JetStream enabled for it to work. It should also have a stream configured to match the given subject.


Consume messages from any topic subject matching the kestra.> wildcard, using user password authentication.

id: "consume"
type: "io.kestra.plugin.nats.Consume"
url: nats://localhost:4222
username: nats_user
password: nats_passwd
subject: kestra.>
durableId: someDurableId
pollDuration: PT5S



  • Type: integer
  • Dynamic:
  • Required: ✔️
  • Default: 10
  • Minimum: >= 1

Messages are fetched by batch of given size


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic:
  • Required: ✔️
  • Default: All
  • Possible Values:
    • All
    • Last
    • New
    • ByStartSequence
    • ByStartTime
    • LastPerSubject

The point in the stream to receive messages from. Either All, Last, New, StartSequence, StartTime, or LastPerSubject


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic:
  • Required: ✔️
  • Default: 2.000000000
  • Format: duration

Polling duration before processing message

If no messages are available, define the max duration to wait for new messages


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required: ✔️
  • Min length: 1

Subject to subscribe to


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required: ✔️
  • Min length: 1

URL to connect to NATS server

The format is (nats://)server_url:port. You can also provide a connection token like so: nats://token@server_url:port


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

ID used to attach the subscription to a durable one, allowing the subscription to start back from a previous position


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic:
  • Required:
  • Format: duration

The max duration before stopping the message polling

It's not an hard limit and is evaluated every second


  • Type: integer
  • Dynamic:
  • Required:

The max number of rows to fetch before stopping


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Plaintext authentication password


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Minimum message timestamp to start consumption from

By default, we consume all messages from the subjects starting from beginning of logs or depending on the current durable id position. You can also provide an arbitrary start time to get all messages since this date for a new durable id. Note that if you don't provide a durable id, you will retrieve all messages starting from this date even after subsequent usage of this task.Must be a valid iso 8601 date.


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Plaintext authentication username



  • Type: integer
  • Dynamic:
  • Required:

Number of messages consumed.


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic:
  • Required:
  • Format: uri

URI of a Kestra internal storage file.


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