Bind a queue to an exchange.
type: "io.kestra.plugin.amqp.QueueBind"
id: amqp_queue_bind
namespace: company.team
- id: queue_bind
type: io.kestra.plugin.amqp.QueueBind
url: amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/my_vhost
exchange: kestramqp.exchange
queue: kestramqp.queue
Dynamic YES
The exchange to bind with.
Dynamic YES
The queue to bind.
Dynamic YES
Other properties (binding parameters).
Dynamic YES
The broker host.
Dynamic YES
The broker password.
Dynamic YES
The broker port.
Dynamic YES
The routing key to use for the binding.
Dynamic YES
The broker username.
Dynamic YES
The broker virtual host.
The exchange name.
The queue name.