
type: "io.kestra.plugin.github.commits.Search"

Search for GitHub commits

Requires authentication


id: "search"
type: "io.kestra.plugin.github.commits.Search"
id: commits
type: io.kestra.plugin.github.commits.Search
oauthToken: your_github_token
query: "Initial repo:kestra-io/plugin-github language:java"
id: "search"
type: "io.kestra.plugin.github.commits.Search"
id: commits
type: io.kestra.plugin.github.commits.Search
oauthToken: your_github_token
query: Initial
repository: kestra-io/plugin-github


Filters merge commits

  • Type: boolean
  • Dynamic:
  • Required:

Find commits by a particular user

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Match commits authored within the specified date range

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

When you search for a date, you can use greater than, less than, and range qualifiers to further filter results

Match commits by the author's full email address

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Match commits by the committer's full email address

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Match commits by the name of the author

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Match commits by the name of the committer

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Match commits committed within the specified date range

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

When you search for a date, you can use greater than, less than, and range qualifiers to further filter results

Matches commits from repositories with the specified visibility

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Matches commits with the specified SHA-1 git tree hash

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Matches commits with the specified SHA-1 hash

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Order output

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic:
  • Required:
  • Possible Values:
    • ASC
    • DESC

ASC - the results will be in ascending order DESC - the results will be in descending order

Search commits in all repositories owned by a certain organization

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Search commits in all repositories owned by a certain user

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Search in specified repository

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Sort output

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic:
  • Required:
  • Possible Values:

COMMITTER_DATE - the results will be sorted by when user joined to Github AUTHOR_DATE - the results will be sorted by the number of repositories owned by user

The query contains one or more search keywords and qualifiers

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

Allow you to limit your search to specific areas of GitHub


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

GitHub JWT token

Does not requires additional fields to log-in


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

GitHub login

Requires additional field: oauthToken, to log-in

matches commits whose parent has the specified SHA-1 hash

  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:


  • Type: string
  • Dynamic: ✔️
  • Required:

GitHub oauthToken

GitHub Personal Access Token. In addition, can be used with login or by its own



  • Type: string
  • Dynamic:
  • Required:
  • Format: uri


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