Send an email with the execution information
The message will include a link to the execution page in the UI along with the execution ID, namespace, flow name, the start date, duration and the final status of the execution, and (if failed) the task that led to a failure.
Use this notification task only in a flow that has a Flow trigger, as shown in this example. Don't use this notification task in errors
tasks. Instead, for errors
tasks, use the MailSend task.
type: "io.kestra.plugin.notifications.mail.MailExecution"
Send an email notification on a failed flow execution
id: failure_alert
- id: send_alert
type: io.kestra.plugin.notifications.mail.MailExecution
to: [email protected]
from: [email protected]
subject: "The workflow execution {{trigger.executionId}} failed for the flow {{trigger.flowId}} in the namespace {{trigger.namespace}}"
port: 465
username: "{{ secret('EMAIL_USERNAME') }}"
password: "{{ secret('EMAIL_PASSWORD') }}"
executionId: "{{ trigger.executionId }}"
- id: failed_prod_workflows
type: io.kestra.plugin.core.trigger.Flow
- type: io.kestra.plugin.core.condition.ExecutionStatusCondition
- type: io.kestra.plugin.core.condition.ExecutionNamespaceCondition
namespace: prod
prefix: true
One or more 'Cc' (carbon copy) optional recipient email address. Use semicolon as delimiter to provide several addresses
Note that each email address must be compliant with the RFC2822 format
Custom fields to be added on notification
Custom message to be added on notification
The execution id to use
Default is the current execution, change it to if you use this task with a Flow trigger to use the original execution.
The address of the sender of this email
The email server host
The optional email message body in HTML text
Both text and HTML can be provided, which will be offered to the email client as alternative contentEmail clients that support it, will favor HTML over plain text and ignore the text body completely
The email server password
The optional email message body in plain text
Both text and HTML can be provided, which will be offered to the email client as alternative contentEmail clients that support it, will favor HTML over plain text and ignore the text body completely
The optional subject of this email
Map of variables to use for the message template
Email address(es) of the recipient(s). Use semicolon as delimiter to provide several email addresses
Note that each email address must be compliant with the RFC2822 format
The optional transport strategy
Will default to SMTPS if left empty
The email server username
One or more 'Cc' (carbon copy) optional recipient email address(es). Use semicolon as a delimiter to provide several addresses
Note that each email address must be compliant with the RFC2822 format
The name of the attachment (eg. 'filename.txt')
An attachment URI from Kestra internal storage