Send a Slack message with the execution information
The message will include a link to the execution page in the UI along with the execution ID, namespace, flow name, the start date, duration, the final status of the execution, and the last task ID in an execution.
Use this notification task only in a flow that has a Flow trigger. Don't use this notification task in errors
tasks. Instead, for errors
tasks, use the SlackIncomingWebhook task.
type: "io.kestra.plugin.notifications.slack.SlackExecution"
Send a Slack notification on a failed flow execution
id: failure_alert
- id: send_alert
type: io.kestra.plugin.notifications.slack.SlackExecution
url: "{{ secret('SLACK_WEBHOOK') }}" # format:
channel: "#general"
executionId: "{{trigger.executionId}}"
- id: failed_prod_workflows
type: io.kestra.plugin.core.trigger.Flow
- type: io.kestra.plugin.core.condition.ExecutionStatus
- type: io.kestra.plugin.core.condition.ExecutionNamespace
namespace: prod
prefix: true
Send a Rocket.Chat notification on a failed flow execution
id: failure_alert
namespace: debug
- id: send_alert_to_rocket_chat
type: io.kestra.plugin.notifications.slack.SlackExecution
url: "{{ secret('ROCKET_CHAT_WEBHOOK') }}"
channel: "#errors"
executionId: "{{ trigger.executionId }}"
username: "Kestra TEST"
iconUrl: ""
- id: failed_prod_workflows
type: io.kestra.plugin.core.trigger.Flow
- type: io.kestra.plugin.core.condition.ExecutionStatus
- type: io.kestra.plugin.core.condition.ExecutionNamespace
namespace: debug
prefix: true
Slack incoming webhook URL
Check the Create an Incoming Webhook documentation for more details..
Slack channel to send the message to. DEPRECATED (For an incoming webhook the channel will be included in the URL.)
Custom fields to be added on notification
Custom message to be added on notification
The execution id to use
Default is the current execution, change it to if you use this task with a Flow trigger to use the original execution.
Emoji icon to use
URL of the icon to use. DEPRECATED (For an incoming webhook the icon will be always be the one from the bot/app.)
URL of the image to be put at the bottom in the attachments.
The options to set to customize the HTTP client
Slack message payload
Map of variables to use for the message template
Author of the slack message
The time allowed to establish a connection to the server before failing.
The time an idle connection can remain in the client's connection pool before being closed.
The time allowed for a read connection to remain idle before closing it.
The maximum time allowed for reading data from the server before failing.